Absorbante panty light, mixform, sensitive, fara parfum, Bella, 20 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 27299
4,50 RON
7,00 RON
Absorbante Herbs cu extract de Aloe Vera, fara parfum, Bella 20 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 27222
10,00 RON
12,00 RON
Absorbante Always Platinum Secure Night Extra 5, pachet 8 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 26964
12,50 RON
20,00 RON
Crema de fata, maini si corp One Cream Body Love - Dove, 250 ml
Crema corp
Cod: 26873
16,00 RON
25,00 RON
Absorbante Always Sensitive Super Soft, Night 3, pachet 7 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 26831
7,00 RON
12,00 RON
Absorbante Always Sensitive Super Soft, Normal 1, pachet 20 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 26827
13,00 RON
15,00 RON
Absorbante Always Platinum Day & Night marimea 3, pachet 22 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 26807
25,00 RON
35,00 RON
Absorbante Always Platinum Ultra Super 2, pachet 26 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 26806
29,00 RON
35,00 RON
Absorbante Always Platinum Ultra Normal 1, pachet 30 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 26805
29,00 RON
35,00 RON
Absorbante Always Duo Ultra Secure Night 4, pachet 6 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 26800
7,50 RON
10,00 RON
Absorbante igienice subtiri Ideale normal 4 Bella, pachet 20 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 26685
12,50 RON
15,00 RON
Absorbante Perfecta Slim rose extra soft, Bella, 10 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 26346
6,00 RON
8,00 RON
Spuma autobronzanta Summer Revived Medium to Dark, Dove, 150 ml
Cod: 26294
35,00 RON
42,00 RON
Spuma autobronzanta Summer Revived Light to Medium, Dove, 150 ml
Cod: 26293
35,00 RON
42,00 RON
Lotiune de corp autobronzanta Summer Revived medium to dark, Dove, 200 ml
Cod: 26292
39,00 RON
49,00 RON
Lotiune de corp autobronzanta Summer Revived light to medium, Dove, 200 ml
Cod: 26291
39,00 RON
49,00 RON
Absorbante zilnice panty black & white fara parfum, Bella, 40 bucati
Igiena intima
Cod: 26227
12,00 RON
16,00 RON